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Awesome AI in Finance Awesome Community

A curated list of useful resources for Financial AI

There are millions of trades made in the global financial market every day. Data grows very quickly and people are hard to understand. With the power of the latest artificial intelligence research, people analyze & trade automatically and intelligently. This list contains the research, tools and code that people use to beat the market.

[English Resource]


  • 🌟 FinBERT - 基于 BERT 架构的金融领域预训练语言模型,包括 金融短讯、行业类型分类、金融情绪分类、金融领域的命名实体识别.
  • 🌟 RL-Stock - 如何用深度强化学习自动炒股.
  • ssq - 利用神经网络和LSTM预测双色球.


  • wondertrader - 量化研发交易一站式框架.
  • easytrader - 提供同花顺客户端/国金/华泰客户端/雪球的基金、股票自动程序化交易以及自动打新,支持跟踪 joinquant /ricequant 模拟交易 和 实盘雪球组合, 量化交易组件.
  • openctp - CTP开放平台提供A股、港股、美股、期货、期权等全品种接入通道,通过提供中泰证券XTP、华鑫证券奇点、东方证券OST、东方财富证券EMT、盈透证券TWS等各通道的CTPAPI接口,CTP程序可以无缝对接各股票柜台。



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